
A romantic comedy about how love is sometimes too little and sometimes too much. But how to know the right one? Eliška has a wedding, she is waiting for her big girl moment, but the paradisiacal big "yes" doesn't come in the end. The groom takes the horn at the decisive moment and runs right down the aisle. A romantic love affair ends in disaster. Fortunately, the devastated bride has a friend who knows exactly what to do. Her prescription is clear, Eliška needs a new acquaintance and above all a supply of sex. Ideally in reverse order. She herself enjoys her love life to the fullest, so she immediately sets up a profile for Eliška on a well-established dating site. A LOVING, determined and often fun hunt for love begins. Between a series of disastrous dates and a series of awkwardnesses, Elishka throws herself into blind dating to try and find a new relationship. It's like the proverbial needle in a haystack. It's just out there somewhere, you just have to look for it. Hunt. But love isn't her only concern. Elisha also has to move fast, and the only option is to live with her half-brother. A weirdo who keeps bees on the roof and who doesn't want her in his house no matter what.